Sunday, November 12, 2017

Asquamchumaukee - Place of Mountain Waters - A Ramble Through the Baker River Valley

Here's a great idea for holiday gift giving. . .

Asquamchumaukee - A photographic ramble through the Baker River Valley of New Hampshire

Storm Over Tenney Mountain

Asquamchumaukee - Place of Mountain Waters

A photographic ramble through the Baker River Valley of New Hampshire

This book and the images from it are available in a number of different formats including a large landscape hardcover, signed and numbered, limited edition art book; an open edition in hardcover, softcover and eBook formats as well as other related products including calendars, clocks, mugs, cards, posters and prints.

Signed, Numbered Limited Edition, Large Format $165.00
This book requires the artist to sign and number the books, it can ONLY be ordered directly from me at this secure address:
Asquamchumaukee Cover

Purchase the signed limited edition and receive your choice of two complimentary posters

Open Edition (unsigned) - Large Format $98.76
Available through
Large Landscape Hardcover 13” x 11” 
42 Pages printed on standard paper

Open Edition Small Hardcover (unsigned) - 8"x10" Format $59.35
Available through
Standard Landscape Hardcover 8” x 10” 
42 Pages printed on standard paper
Hardcover with Dust Jacket: 

Softcover "Keepsake Version"  8"x10": $39.58
Plus shipping & handling

eBook from Blurb
42 Pages

Detailed information about Calendars, cards, clocks and other gifts can be found here.

Asquamchumaukee Facebook Page

Dedication: This book is dedicated to the "Ladies of Got Lunch! Rumney" who saw a need and selflessly stepped forward to help and the millions of heroic people who volunteer in their communities, small and large in the quiet of anonymity and the glow of the hope they create through their actions.


50% of the net  proceeds from sales of this book will benefit the local "Got Lunch!" programs in the Valley. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Need for an Alternative Vision on Tax Reform

The Democrats have missed a golden opportunity in not offering up a competing vision on Tax Reform, even if they cannot do any more than introduce it in a news conference - and by the way its time to reform the rules that allow the majority party to completely ignore proposals from the minority party in the Congress.
I have made it clear that I favor the radical centrist position of eliminating the business tax entirely and shifting all the taxation on income to the progressive income tax.
Most people don't know that currently all those people who have benefitted from the dramatic increase in the stock market pay less in taxes on the sale of stock or their dividends than Americans who earn their income by the "sweat of their brows".
Let me say that again: Work your ass off every day and pay a higher tax rate than the guy (or gal) who doesn't do anything more than move money around.
In other words, passive income is taxed at a lower rate than what is earned by someone with a traditional job. We could eliminate the business tax entirely and bring in MORE tax revenues if we simply asked those who earned passive income to pay taxes at the same rate as other Americans. We could generate substantially more revenues if we also instituted a small tax on stock trades, thus allowing us to lower taxes on middle income Americans in other ways or we could enhance coverage of things that will serve as a public good and reduce cost of living expenses, thus creating the same effect for middle income and working class families.
Can you imagine how the people who are trying to sell the public on the bill currently masquerading as tax reform in the Congress would have to scurry if the Democrats offer a proposal that eliminated the Business Tax, gave all those companies reason to repatriate their money and really lowered taxes for middle income families? Even if the proposal did not shame the majority party into action it would establish a real position that demonstrated genuine concern for working class families and middle income families.
I'm sure to get flack from some folks about this but I'm going to keep saying it until someone listens.

A Childs Walk Thru Lupine

Holiday Gifts - Images and products

Holiday Gifts - Images and products created with my images available here: First Snow o...